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2024 Mini-Reunion

The JMA cousins had a wonderful time together in Williamsburg, VA in July 2024. We began our time together for dessert at the home of our President, Patty Yewcic (4591211), who had recently moved back to her hometown of Williamsburg from Chesapeake, VA. Everyone signed in and received their nametag with their JMA line color ribbon. The dessert was delicious and actually a birthday celebration for the patriarch of the Mallory family, Dennis Mallory (459112), who turned 92 on July 19. It was a wonderful time to be together and celebrate Dennis. Of the 48 attendees, 32 of them were Mallory family cousins.

Two of our cousins from Colorado, Linda Friend (857631) and her daughter and JMA board member Kim Friend (8576313) were unable to attend because of the computer snafu that forced so many flight cancellations. They made it to the airport but eventually decided to go home because they were never assured of getting to VA. We missed their presence.

On Saturday morning the JMA Board met without a quorum but had great discussions about the future of the JMA. The plans for the 2025 Reunion in Roxbury NY were discussed and decisions made regarding the dates which are July 24-27 and the activities for each day. Reports were heard from the treasurer, the financial VP report on our investments, the minutes from the last board meeting, the Journal editor’s report, the report from the Tech team working on the new and improved JMA website. The need for young people to step up to be the next leaders of the JMA was discussed at length. We will be replacing the president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, the reunion planner, and journal editor at the 2025 reunion. This need is at the acute stage, and we are actively looking for cousins who are willing to step up and take over the reins to take JMA into the next generation.

After lunch all the cousins went about their day with lunch on their own. Many cousins went to Fort Monroe to learn the history of the area. Surprisingly, the fort was a northern fort during the Civil War even though it was in Virginia. For supper and a time of fellowship, we met at the beautiful home of our cousin, Teri McMath (4591232) and her husband, Kirk (R4591232) on the waterfront of the James River. Teri and Patty Yewcic put on quite a spread of food for all of us. It was very yummy. Afterwards those who wanted, walked along the river promenade to the historic site of the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimack, the first battle between ironclad warships. After dark, Kirk McMath set off some fireworks for us. It was a lovely evening.

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