Spring 2024 President’s Report

I always enjoy hearing how each cousin first became involved with the John More Association.  The two cousins who encouraged me to become an active participant were Eric More Marshall (7.10.711 – died December 2, 2023) and Doris Mallory Hyde (459122 – died March 6, 2024). 

As many of you know, our previous JMA president Eric Marshall died in December.   In an earlier message to cousins I wrote, “Eric spent countless hours working to make certain our family organization flourished.  As president he focused on making sure the family records were up to date and led the way from written notations to computerized genealogical records.  Eric worked diligently to plan quinquennial reunions in Delaware County, NY, and he and wife Nancy (M7.10.711) attended gatherings across the country.  Personally I believe his greatest contribution to our group was the way he developed relationships by making sure cousins felt part of the JMA while also becoming personal friends with as many of us as possible.  During his tenure as president he also began to mentor many of us by delegating responsibilities and guiding us through rituals, ceremonies, and reunion planning.  We knew he was watching and we worked hard to make sure the organization he loved would continue to grow.”  Please see Eric’s obituary on page 4.

On behalf of the JMA, I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to Nancy and his extended family.  His dedication to the John More Association will continue to be expressed through the volunteerism of those he influenced during his many years of service.  “Fair winds and following seas!”

My Aunt Doris and Uncle Cecil (M459122) attended the 1990 quinquennial reunion, where the association celebrated its 100th birthday.  Some of you may remember them staying in their RV when that was allowed on the SUNY-Delhi campus.  They were quick to share their experience with us and I attended my first gathering in 1995.  With Eric’s encouragement I became the line news editor, board member/ vice president (Yes, that can all happen at once!), and later president. 

Both Doris and Eric exemplified the spirit of the John More Association because family meant everything to them.  As we plan for the next mini reunion this summer and the quinquennial reunion in 2025, I would like to encourage each of you to reflect on how you can serve our group.  It could be by taking on a leadership role, volunteering at a gathering, making a donation, or offering specialized skills.  I have been working on our list of volunteers for the Delhi, NY, reunion in 2025.  If you have offered to assist, you will be hearing from me soon and we will find a perfect “job” for you! 

On a personal note I moved back to my hometown, Williamsburg, VA, last fall.  Please consider joining us there July 19-21, 2024, for our annual mini reunion.  (Details on page  8)  Join members of the board and your cousins as we enjoy time along the Hampton Roads harbor, explore nearby Fort Monroe, and  review the updates being made to the JMA website.  (Thank you to our tech team!  See more on the very last page.)

“May the wind be always at your back.  May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.”




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