Portrait of David More, seventh child of John and Betty More
David (7)


January 11, 1786 in Catskill New York


David More was born in Catskill, New York, on January 11, 1786. Shortly after his birth, John More brought his family back to Delaware County, where they made their permanent home. David worked diligently in his boyhood and young manhood, helping his father and older brothers clear the land on his father’s large farm.

When about twenty years old, David bought 165 acres of land from his father- at one dollar per acre. He began clearing this land, and built a log house, to which he brought his seventeen – year – old bride, Elizabeth Gould, on December 18, 1806. Here they raised a family of thirteen children: ten sons and three daughters – all of whom grew to adulthood.

David More worked with great patience and fortitude to improve his farm: building fences, planting fruit trees, and erecting necessary barns and sheds. But he was not satisfied with the production from this farm and, in 1835, he bought a more productive farm of 164 acres. Here they lived for only four years, for in 1839 he purchased a place in Walton, and moved – with the eight children still at home- to the new place. Here David had 196 acres, beautifully situated on the Delaware River, and here David and Elizabeth More spent the remainder of their lives.

Elizabeth Gould More died in 1867, at the age of 78. She was a good wife and helpmate, a kind friend, and a beloved mother. David More died November 29, 1873, at the age of 87, closing an upright and useful life,

David More cared very little for public office, and as a rule firmly declined when it was offered him, but he did serve as a supervisor, and several terms as assessor. He was very interested in all public improvements in schools, churches, and anything that pertained to the welfare of the people among whom he lived. He had many warm friends, being a kind father and a good citizen, with a social disposition. David More was temperate, industrious, and frugal; and as the evening of his days was passed saw prosperity and happy surroundings with his loving children.


  • Elizabeth Gould More (1790-1867) on December 18, 1806


  • Abram Gould More (1808-1866)
  • John Osborne More (1810-1875)
  • David Smith More (1812-1864)
  • Anna More Sinclair More (1814-1899)
  • Daniel Quackenbush More (1816-1896)
  • Elizabeth More Cone (1818-1909)
  • Hezekiah More (1820-1906)
  • Jason Gould More (1821-1852)
  • William Pitt More (1823-1893)
  • Andrew More (1825-1915)
  • Burr More (1827-1902)
  • Harriet More Guild (1829-1905)
  • Edmund More (1831-1918)

Passed November 29, 1873 in Walton New York

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